was too tired to blog much last nitex.. so continue from here.. lolx..
mornin i woke up at 7.22am..without the alarm.. LOL
i wasnt late too.. went to changi village, had breakfast there too..
than to the ferry teminal there~ took the same boat wib other 13 people.. out of which i only noe 1.. ttz yx of cos..~ and one is da driver.. lolx..
reach there.. took the map.. see see than when we bout to walk.. we decided why not ask the driver bout the route first.. in the end.. ask ask ask we hop on to his car and tour the island on it..~ lolx..

the driver- well..this driver here is so so sooooooooooo humourous~ damn LAME!~ normally if phone no reception we will sae 'eh.. wo de dian hua mei you xian~'.. than this uncle sae.. of cos mei you xian na.. where got thread on phone de..
i was lyk.. "FINE!~" lolx.. reali cute na tt uncle.. ke ai you ke hen.. thers other lame stuff he said.. but i forgot.
he bring us to this places.. first stop..

he bring us to the thai temple there too.. but din noe whether is it ok to take pics~ we didnt..
third stop~

got people campin there~

cant remember wheres the fourth stop fifth stop all that.. lolx.. but just continue to post pictures ba~~

below this pic..there was this guy in the river? water? wadeva~ he was tied ard wib ropes~ tryin to find somethin i suppose~ but the water was dashin fast..quite dangerous..maybe

the car we took and one of the dog which was hangin ouside the ladies toilet before this pic was taken.. lolx

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